What are “5-Star Employees,” how do you identify them, and really, are
these really amazing top performers, or can 3-star and 4-star people be
just as good? Join David in today’s conversation with Danielle Mulvey, a
powerful force in the entrepreneurial world…

What are “5-Star Employees,” how do you identify them, and really, are these really amazing top performers, or can 3-star and 4-star people be just as good?

Join David in today’s conversation with Danielle Mulvey, a powerful force in the entrepreneurial world because she has cracked the code on recruiting and retaining what she refers to as “5-Star Employees:”  The game-changing, dedicated, hardworking people who make big plays and get real, consistent results.

Danielle has 25 years’ in entrepreneurship and as an owner has learned from experience how to let go employees who did not meet her company’s 5-Star standards.

Where’s the proof?  Start with her own business endeavors:  Danielle has several companies that she’s scaled to over $50 million in annual revenue, yet she invests less than 10 hours each week overseeing their operations.

Instead, her own team of trusted 5-Star Employees provide her with the freedom to spend the rest of her workweek guiding other entrepreneurs through podcasting, workshops, and community curating.

The focus of this podcast is, “How do owners retain 5-Star Employees and Job Candidates and when and how to remove employees or candidates who do not meet the mark?”

Danielle shares her hard-earned wisdom for all owners to consider based on her relevant years of experience.  Don’t miss this episode!  What you learn can be applied to your company so that you improve your 5-Star employee retention rate, your growth rate and overall success.

Click here to contact Danielle.

In addition to running her companies and assisting other entrepreneurs at The ALL IN Company Danielle is the Chief Curator of The ALL IN Company Community, which strategically advises other entrepreneurs on attracting and hiring 5-Star Employees. She has been developing, testing, and sharing these ideas for over 10 years now, with a staggering 90% success rate!

Danielle attributes this success to her undeniable gift to identify and nurture 5-Star Employees. She knows that to succeed, leaders need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and go all in on their employees, who will reciprocate and go all in on the company.

That’s not all - Danielle also authored the book, The Rapid Real™ Guide to The 5-Star Employee Rating System and is currently co-collaborating with Wall Street Journal best-selling author Mike Michalowicz on a new book, to be released in Fall 2023, tentatively titled ALL IN: How to Get Your Employees to Act Like Owners. She also hosts the popular show Profit First Nation, the official podcast for Profit First.