In this episode, I invite my guest, and who is my friend as well, Walt Hampton, who is an adventure photographer, high altitude Montier, an ex-attorney, and now an executive coach. His clients are super successful lawyers, advisors, accountants, healthcare providers, hospitality professionals, and many, many more. In this podcast episode, we, have a back-and-forth conversation on different topics such as abundance and gratitude, health. What does it mean to have health? We talk about mind, body, spirit, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. We also talk about coaching, therapy, and healing.

What do we do about the affordability of coaching and therapy if we cannot even afford it, but we have a desire to have healing, to work with a coach and a therapist in a safe container? What do we do if we cannot even afford a session or a few sessions? We talk about faith and spirituality, and then we also talk about breaking through money-wounding stories.

I had a lot of money-wounding stories. While growing up and it's still those carried in my adulthood and using money as a resource, as an energy to 10 x hundred x your joy and happiness, and I share a lot about my stories and how I use money, to add value in my life, how I use the money to add joy, that really gives me joy in my life and cut through all of the corners that don't gimme joy. So I talk a lot about money in this because money is a taboo topic. We don't wanna talk about it, and, and I'm opening myself to share my stories. I. About money and abundance, and I share about loneliness, you know, how I used to be lonely and what I have been doing to overcome those loneliness parts of myself, and, I share a lot about my journey in terms of getting support and, and coaching and therapy and different kinds of coaches and healers and therapists.

I've worked so far, so this is not just an interview, and, uh, in this episode, just imagine two friends are having an amazing conversation. It's a vulnerable conversation. , I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I enjoy it. And, now without further ado, please enjoy.

I'd love to know your feedback to create a magical experience for you.

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