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Our guest Debra Stangl is the founder of Sedona Soul Adventures and author of the #1 International Best Seller The Journey To Happy – How Embracing The Concept That Nothing Is Wrong Can Transform Your Life. Debra was a divorce attorney for over 20 years in Omaha, Nebraska before a spiritual re-awakening in 1999 in Sedona led her to leave her practice, embark on a 3 year journey of personal healing, culminating in the founding of Sedona Soul Adventures in 2002.

Listen to the full interview episode:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsStitcher, or on your favorite platform

Show notes: https://nishantgarg.me/2020/11/12/debra-stangl/

Please visit https://nishantgarg.me/podcasts/ for more info.

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