This episode is not an interview. So, here is the backstory. In the second week of April 2021, I was feeling deep emotional pain and heartache. I’ve been in the process of understanding and uncovering my own childhood issues and trauma. I had heard Gabor Mate and other Legendaries mention parent-child attachments during early years and how it shapes our relationships with ourselves and with others when we grow older. I searched “attachment” on Spotify and this new podcast from Lisa Scott popped up. As I started listening—I was completely thrilled and it resonated with me so much that I could go back (in my mind) to my childhood and see some deep things with less resistance and better clarity. I reached out to Lisa Scott and asked her to publish her attachment series on this podcast. This series has 4 parts: anxious,  fearful-avoidant, dismissive-avoidant, and secure attachment

Lisa Scott is a licensed professional counselor and host of her own podcast, What’s Next With Lisa Scott. Lisa is well known for her solution-based and client-focused style of therapy. Aside from hosting her own podcast, Lisa owns a private practice and is a professor of psychology. With over fifteen years of experience as a mental health professional and experience ranging from crisis intervention in a clinical setting to working with families and individuals, Lisa’s passion and focus remain on empowering people to establish healthy loving relationships not only with themselves but with others in their life.