William A. Richards (Bill) is a psychologist in the Psychiatry Department of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Bayview Medical Center, a consultant/trainer at sites of psychedelic research internationally, a teacher in the Program of Psychedelic Therapy and Research at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and also a clinician in private practice in Baltimore. His involvement with psilocybin research originated in 1963. From 1967 to 1977, he pursued psychotherapy research with LSD, DPT, MDA, and psilocybin at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, including protocols designed to investigate the promise of psychedelic substances in the treatment of alcoholism, depression, narcotic addiction, and psychological distress associated with terminal cancer, and also their use in the training of religious and mental-health professionals. His publications began in 1966 with “Implications of LSD and Experimental Mysticism,”. His book, Sacred Knowledge: Psychedelics and Religious Experiences was released in English by Columbia University Press in 2015 and has since been translated into four additional languages.

In this episode, we explore the Use of Psychedelics to treat cancer, addiction, and PTSD. How to prepare for a Psychedelic mind manifestation and spiritual awakening experience in a safe environment also known as a safe container, what the homework and integration look like after the therapy, how to build a trusting relationship first with a therapist prior to the consumption of any psychedelic substances and significance of a giving a red rose at the end of a psychedelic therapy.

Please enjoy!

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