Dr. Dan Tomasulo's passion is positive psychology. He is known as one of the top ten online influencers on the issue of depression. Heis the Academic Director of Columbia University's Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI) and an assistant instructor to the founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, at the University of Pennsylvania's Masters in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program. A licensed counseling psychologist with over 25 years as an experienced clinician, he is the creator of Interactive-Behavioral Therapy, the most widely used form of group therapy for people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. His most recent book, Learned Hopefulness, The Power of Positivity To Overcome Depression, is hailed as: “…the perfect recipe for fulfillment, joy, peace, and expansion of awareness.”  by Deepak Chopra, Dan is also the author of several books, including American Snake Pit and Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir.

In this episode, Dan discusses in length cultivating hope in the moments of despair, his own depression, cherishing relationships, mindfulness meditation, the art of storytelling writing, the story of man Richie, and much much more. Without further ado, please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Dan.

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