Judi Miller started her career as a Certified Public Accountant and went on to excel in the world of corporate finance for some of the largest companies in the world. As a graduate of the Harvard Executive Leadership Program, she has been dedicated to personal development and helping others excel in a constantly changing environment. Judi has worked with some of the world’s most spiritual visionaries and is trained in energy and ancestral clearing and is certified in The Energy Codes, Happy for No Reason, and The Passion Test. She lived in terror of the night and the possibility of sexual assault. Happily married with children, her fears made life a modern-day nightmare, but worse—she had no idea why? In her new book Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness and Transformation, she relates the extraordinary path she took to discover the root of those fears. 

Today you’ll hear from her about the spiritual journey that unfolded which opened her heart, enabled forgiveness across multiple generations, and showed her the perfection of all that we are. 

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