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Dubby_v - reviewed the show.  

Very awesome Podcast

Mario fan 980 - reviewed the show.

Said it was a good podcast 5 stars

Abeyham81 - reviewed the show.

Must have Nintendo Switch Podcast, I’m sorry but I refuse to believe that Run Jump Stomp is one single person.  There is just no way that one person can create so much content, so much rich content as there is on RJS platforms.  If he expects us to believe that this is just himself then he’s got another thing coming.  I’m watching you Bill.  For quite some time now I’ve suspected that you are able to defy physics by multiplying yourself in order get as much done as you do.  We see you live-streaming while the other you works the camera/all background equipment and the other one of you works your social media and who knows how many others coming up with all kind of numerous shenanigans including this podcast.  I've got my eye on you RJS.  You’re just too awesome to be one man.

Voicemail from Justin

Favorite Non-Nintendo Game

Friend codes


Zelda skins coming to Monster Hunter XX

Splatoon 2 selling 7 times faster than Splatoon 1

When Splatoon came out there were ~10 million Wii U sold

When Splatoon 2 came out there were ~4 million Switch sold

Gamestop says that the Switch has an attach rate of about 5 to 1.

Overcooked patch submitted to Nintendo

Super Mario Odyssey wins best of Gamescom

If FFXV comes to Switch, expect limitations.



Sonic patch can’t come fast enough!

Arcade cabinet

Lightning Round

Enter the Gungeon coming to switch with DLC

WonderBoy: The Dragon’s Trap patched  

Coming soon!

Mario + Rabbids 8/29

Gunvolt Striker Pack 8/31

League of Evil 8/31


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