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JBarrett - reviewed the show.  

I’ve listened to a lot of nintendo Podcast over the last few years, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to discover this one!  The quality, research, insights and pacing of this podcast are all perfect, and the run times of each episode never feel overwhelming.  I really enjoy the music and retro cutscenes that bring me back to my childhood as well!  I worked in radio for several years and know how hard it can be to run a solo show, but RunJumpStomp makes it seem easy, and that’s what a true testament to his talent.  I highly recommend this podcast to any Nintendo fan or anyone who enjoys video games.  Keep up the great work!

Voicemail from Door to Door Geek!

Didn’t even make a patreon until you asked me to!


Battery case with HDMI out on Kickstarter

SNES classics delayed from Amazon

Hackers find some VR stuff in Switch code

Nine Parchments gameplay footage

Looks really great, getting four people together that all want to play games is always an issue, and online without voice chat would be a disaster.  I guess there is always discord.

When you combine spells, who aims the combination?

Voice chat in Splatoon 2 BUILT IN?

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 footage

Very different combat system (thank the maker)

No attacking while moving (because they wanted to focus the players on positioning)

Healing > pull potions out of the enemy > land on ground for you to pick up

Seems to be a real focus on switching weapons a lot to take advantage of cooldowns.

No indicators on whether or not a mob is hostile.

Combat role is based on weapons/blades you’re using.

You chose your abilities based on how they counter your enemy, information is right on the screen in the top right.


Interview with Koizumi of Nintendo

I think we can expect a top down Zelda, or traditionally portable games for the Switch based on this comment

“I wouldn’t nece