Show notes, Night City Secrets Episode 6

Game Session 5, Part 1 – Deep and deeper

Cover Art for the podcast from “Cyberpunk madness,” by the artist Eddie Del Rio.  

Intro and closing music is from Amoebacrew, called simply "Cyberpunk royalty free music.”  It is available on Youtube:

Background ambient music is from RoyaltyFreeSounds, called “Soundscape Ambient, Cyberpunk Music. Royalty Free.”

It is on Youtube:


REF = The Referee

Antigone = Corporate.  Director of Public Relations for the Paupau Collective (PPC in Night City.  PPC is a family autonomous corporation floating out on ships in the Pacific Ocean.  Half-Greek half-Polynesian.

“Chewie”= (NPC) Medtech.  Officially, Consuela Jarillo, a Costa Rican doctor currently dating Han.  She is played by the REF. She’s also a pilot.

Eric Genter = (NPC) Corporate.  Senior Director for Petrochem in Night City.  He absolutely hates Antigone for losing face to her a few years ago.  Antigone simply ignores him, but he has it out for her badly. Apparently, he’s now running Petrochem’s Black Ops team.

Hako = Fixer.  Aohako is also Hawaiian, but not related to Han or Antigone. He grew up in Night City and has connections all over the city.  He and Antigone met through their common mentor, Derek Trammel, a former Night City Police Department detective, now a private investigator.

Han = Solo. Full name is “Hanakahi Lonoehu.”  The team Solo and pilot, bioscultped to look like Harrison Ford, though he also has spiky short hair. Native Hawaiian, half-Polynesian, cousin to Antigone.

“Kat” Katrina = (NPC) A Solo merc-for-hire contracted by Eric Genter to kidnap Antigone and take her to a Petrochem warehouse.

Rico = (NPC) A second Solo merc-for-hire who is working with Kat to abduct ‘Tig.

Stahl = (NPC) A pilot for hire, short but very capable Japanese Solo and former fighter pilot.  Used to do odd jobs with Han. Frequently hired by Petrochem.

Surány = Netrunner.  A young and nerdy Czech fame-seeker. Raised in Night City, and went to high school with Chewie. Attained some fame for his “March of the Ents” program: he names all his programs after people, places, and events in the Tolkien Mythos, and has been trying to grow a Gandalf beard.

Tatiana = (NPC) A former employee of Han, a dangerous Solo currently working for the Willow Sisterhood - a Poser Gang who bioscult themselves to look like famous women from media and pop culture who played the roles of bad-asses. Tatiana is currently sporting the look of Scarlet Johansen from the Ghost in the Shell movie adaptation.  Tried to kill Han once when he tried to come onto her.

TOC and Timestamps:

** Introduction  @00:26

** Play begins:  @ 1:32

The team is in the hospital getting patched up.

** We catch up with Antigone and her abductors, who planned on going to get some poké:  @8:40

** Antigone calls her older sister, Ariana, and realizes she’s made the Net 54 screamsheets:  @13:05

** Kat lays down the reality of Eric:  @24:02

** Back at the hospital, the team discovers another surprise:  @31:02

** Surany fails spectacularly to fix the issue with the phone:  @35:59

** Always awkward… the topic of the hospital bill comes up:  @41:40

** Han realizes he deleted his gun… :  @47:45

** Realization is settling in that Antigone is in much deeper trouble than she thought:  @51:42

** The team realizes they boosted a Petrochem encryption box from their heist in Modesto, and now we struggle to see whether we saved it from the blast:  @58:28

** Antigone continues interrogating her abductors:  @1:02:14

** Closing of Session:  @1:05:00


Welcome back to Night City Secrets.

The podcast of five gaming friends playing the tabletop RPG Cyberpunk 2020.  

Here we have episode 6, which is Part One of our sixth fifth gaming session.

Last time, our plucky team somehow managed to survive being blown up.  Antigone was kidnapped, but convinced her abductors to set her free with some fast-talking and promises to double their pay.  And thanks to Hako’s contact - Marcella - who works in the Night City Police Department, as well as a bit of a yarn stretched by ‘Tig, they avoided a police shoot-out.

Bloodied and humbled, but still alive, the team heads to Night City Medical to get patched up while Antigone tries to make good on her promise to her kidnappers to save them from her antagonist, Eric Genter, a Senior Director at Petrochem in Night City.

The team learned a lot of valuable lessons last time in paying better attention to covering their tracks.  But in this session, they are about to realize just how deep into it they really are.  

Strap in and hang tight, choomba.


So it took us about 6 episodes to start to get to our first real drama.  You can see it start to percolate here at the end of part one. But it will boil over in part 2.  

Luckily, we’re all good friends and even when we disagree, we can always crack a beer or split a fondue or take a lovely stroll at sunset and work it all out.  

It all really starts with some misunderstandings between the REF and myself about the structure of our world and the consequences that are coming to light based off of Antigone’s decisions.  

She’s now realizing that the fascination Eric Genter has with her is not some petty schoolkid feud, but instead it looks like she might have ignited a new Corporate War that is going to play out on the streets of Night City.  

Tune in next time to see just how bad it gets.  

Yes, it gets worse.  

It always gets worse…