Show notes, Night City Secrets Episode 5

Game Session 4, Part 2 – Betwixt Scylla and Charybdis

Cover Art for the podcast from “Cyberpunk madness,” by the artist Eddie Del Rio.  

Intro and closing music is from Amoebacrew, called simply "Cyberpunk royalty free music.”  It is available on Youtube:

Background ambient music is from RoyaltyFreeSounds, called “Soundscape Ambient, Cyberpunk Music. Royalty Free.”

It is on Youtube:


REF = The Referee

Antigone = Corporate.  Director of Public Relations for the Paupau Collective (PPC in Night City.  PPC is a family autonomous corporation floating out on ships in the Pacific Ocean.  Half-Greek half-Polynesian.

“Chewie”= (NPC) Medtech.  Officially, Consuela Jarillo, a Costa Rican doctor currently dating Han.  She is played by the REF. She’s also a pilot.

Eric Genter = (NPC) Corporate.  Senior Director for Petrochem in Night City.  He absolutely hates Antigone for losing face to her a few years ago.  Antigone simply ignores him, but he has it out for her badly. Apparently, he’s now running Petrochem’s Black Ops team.

Hako = Fixer.  Aohako is also Hawaiian, but not related to Han or Antigone. He grew up in Night City and has connections all over the city.  He and Antigone met through their common mentor, Derek Trammel, a former Night City Police Department detective, now a private investigator.

Han = Solo. Full name is “Hanakahi Lonoehu.”  The team Solo and pilot, bioscultped to look like Harrison Ford, though he also has spiky short hair. Native Hawaiian, half-Polynesian, cousin to Antigone.

“Kat” Katrina = (NPC) A Solo merc-for-hire contracted by Eric Genter to kidnap Antigone and take her to a Petrochem warehouse.

Marcella Lemieux = (NPC) A cop working on the Night City Police Department.  She has known Hako for many years and actively is concerned for his safety, so she is willing to help him out.

Rico = (NPC) A second Solo merc-for-hire who is working with Kat to abduct ‘Tig.

Surány = Netrunner.  A young and nerdy Czech fame-seeker. Raised in Night City, and went to high school with Chewie. Attained some fame for his “March of the Ents” program: he names all his programs after people, places, and events in the Tolkien Mythos, and has been trying to grow a Gandalf beard.

Tak = (NPC) Fixer.  One of Hako’s contacts, one that he has known for years and trusts implicitly.  He originally tipped the team off about Petrochem transporting something special from Reno to Night City.  The team intercepted the transport in Modesto and got into a firefight.

Tatiana = (NPC) A former employee of Han, a dangerous Solo currently working for the Willow Sisterhood - a Poser Gang who bioscult themselves to look like famous women from media and pop culture who played the roles of bad-asses. Tatiana is currently sporting the look of Scarlet Johansen from the Ghost in the Shell movie adaptation.  Tried to kill Han once when he tried to come onto her.


** Introduction  @00:26

** Play begins:  @ 1:03

Han, Hako, and Chewie were blown out of the AV and are now assessing the situation.  Antigone is wrapped up in the back of some car somewhere in Japan Town.

** Antigone, still conscious, tries to persuade her abductors to let her free:  @3:45

** Han spots some people creeping up to the blown-up AV:  @8:03

** Surány, under attack in the Net, tries some way to help the team:  @20:30

** Antigone gets the kidnappers to stop the car with a bribe of doubling their contract:  @25:00

** Han has eliminated the threat, and now they are figuring out what next:  @35:37

** Hako calls Marcella and tries to figure out if Antigone is safe: @37:12

** Surány, still facing another Netrunner, heads in to try and stave them off: @38:50

** Antigone, freed from the net, tries to save everyone from a firefight with the police: @42:45

** Han, Hako, Surány, and Chewie show up in a cab: @51:43

** Antigone and Hako need to have a little tête-à-tête: @57:10

** The team heads to the hospital while Antigone invites her kidnappers to poké: @1:06:00

** Game session post-mortem and reflection: @1:10:45

** Closing of Session:  @1:18:04

** Ending Notes:  @1:18:27


Welcome back to Night City Secrets.

The podcast of five gaming friends playing the tabletop RPG Cyberpunk 2020.  

This is episode 5, which is gaming session #4, part 2.

We left off kind of trapped between Scylla and Charybdis there… Antigone is webbed up by her kidnappers in the back of a car, and the rest of the team has been blown out the back of the AV, which had been booby-trapped with explosives.  

Thankfully the taser failed to knock out Antigone, and the team survived the blast - barely.  We don’t have much going for us now beyond our wits. 

Here we go…


Night City will chew you up and spit you out.  

Or maybe our REFEREE just wanted to.

Lessons learned by our team tonight…. somebody is always watching.  And anyone can be bought off.  

Did you catch the part where Antigone noticed one of her kidnappers was wearing the same kind of glove that Chewie wears?  Yeah, I have a feeling this isn’t going to get any better for the crew.

One point of clarification, in case some parts seem a little hard to follow.  Sometimes we communicate with one another via text outside the game audio. For example, if you remember when I put my gun to Hako’s head, I had texted the REFEREE beforehand to let him know I had removed any ammo — I didn’t want to critically fumble and accidentally shoot him.

Likewise, after the crew got blown out of the AV and Hako - who is our Fixer, so he has a wide network - knew they weren’t going to be able to get to my location, he texted the REFEREE that he sent out a call to his contact in the NCPD, Marcella, and asked her to save me.  

I’m doing my best to make sure this gets captured in the audio or is explained, so no one feels lost.  At some point, I’ll actually start getting some screen grabs of our Roll20 game so that you can actually see the rolls we make, and not just hear our reactions to them.

Hope you are able to tune in again sometime,

Signing off from Night City Secrets.