Never pay the first bill, at least that’s what podcast guest and medical investigative journalist Marshall Allen advises. At some point, every NICU family has to deal with an insurance company, government agency, medical billing office or all three. Learn how to speak a language that billing offices understand, advocate for your rights and save yourself money, headaches and long hours on hold with medical stakeholders.


💚 Connect with the host, Kathryn Whitaker:

Instagram  |  Facebook  |  Website


💚 Connect with the guest, Marshall Allen:

Twitter  |  LinkedIn  |  Website  |  Substack 


🔗Links to resources:

Book, Never Pay the First Bill

Dollar For (helps patients access charity care)

Billy (hospital pricing information)

Jason Health (walk-in blood tests)

Green Imaging (affordable medical imaging)

Cost Plus Drugs (affordable medications)


📺Socials 📺

Instagram  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest



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