Our dear friend KARA LANCASTER is a globe-hopping director based in Portland, Oregon who has directed several of our favorite music videos by our favorite bands ... and while her professional career alone is inspirational, it's her recent decision to transition into an entirely new and at long last wholly authentic life that is at the heart of this episode of Nice Work!.

Beyond the physical challenges presented by hormones and facial feminization surgery, Kara is also undergoing a radical spiritual and psychological shift. After giving up her "white male club card," she has had to swiftly adapt to a new world of prejudice, hate and misunderstanding...but also one of support, inclusiveness and love. It's been quite a journey so far, and hopefully her story will help others better relate to and understand the growing transgender community.



Kara on Instagram | http://www.instagram.com/karathehuntress





THEME SONG KEITH ALLEN http://www.instagram.com/chetsaber