Previous Episode: Dating Horror Stories
Next Episode: The Struggle Is Real

Womp, womp— this episode is all about the friendship breakup(s) that we've all been through.

From the dramatic to the just drifted apart, Alyson and Loren share their experiences with friendship breakups, the feelings of not belonging, the reality of convenience friends and their best advice for dealing with friendship breakups.

Follow along as Alyson describes the unfortunate reality of knowing when a friend just isn't a friend anymore and as Loren recounts the hard reality of a dramatic friendship fallout.

Themes of vulnerability, how to handle loneliness and the importance of self-reflection are also sprinkled throughout!

In season 4, get excited for a great mix of seriously helpful, deep and real episodes as well as those fun, random topics we're keeping around from season three!

M - E - N - T - I - O - N - S

That's Loaded— Additional friendship breakup podcast episode

The '1' of the Week!
Loren's: Evermore Vibes
Alyson's: Sriracha Meatballs


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On Twitter, @NicetoHaveAFri1
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