Martha and Mark were in San Fransisco for the Game Developers Conference, and there was so much to say we had to split it into two episodes!

While Stephen was holding down the fort back home, we were joined in San Fransisco by Nice Games Club's in-house "special reporter" Dylan Skerbitz.

0:00:58Train JamTrain JamTrain Jam participants heading to GDC 2017 anxious about ‘Muslim ban’Charlie HallPolygon0:13:13Train Jam Interviews

Arvind Raja Yadav made Zombies on Demand

More from Arvind: Pyrodactyl Games

Andrew Shouldice made Uncomfortably

More from Andrew: Secret Legend

Kate Gray made Post Birb

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Kate Compton made Travels in Od

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Alex Carlson made Ultimate Train Fighter 2600

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Creatrix Tiara made What The $!#&@! Do They Need Now?

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Matt Findlater made Flashlight Flashbang

More from Matt: @justattackgames

Stefan Lopuszanski made Time Twins

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0:24:21Day of the Devs at Alamo DrafthouseDay of the Devs at GDC 2017OobletsRimeMineko's Night MarketKnights and BikesPyreTacoma0:35:06GDC 2017 Sessionskhronos.orgWeb VRTurbo Button's "TButt" FrameworkGitHubGames that should be Games againRami Ismail0:52:35Adventures in Conference Scheduling0:55:35Star Trek: Bridge Crew

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