Mark gets back to Metro Nexus, Stephen explores the strange land where in-game and real-world economics overlap, and Ellen makes sure we have good posture.

Metro Nexus is running on the Switch!Global Games PitchIGDATC Widget Satchel Postmortem - igdatc0:11:20EconomiesCurrencies in Star Trek OnlineGamepediaHow Warframe built an ethical free-to-play economyBen KucheraPolygonI Am Not At All Relaxed by Animal CrossingCecilia D’AnastasioWired0:55:15ErgonomicsThe Gamer’s Guide to Ergonomics: Your Posture, Chair, Desk, Fingers and everyth…Matthew Hwu1HPYour posture is killing you: What gamers should know about ergonomicsRoman JakobVentureBeatHerman Miller Embody chairMark's very neat workspace."Kind of messy. Don't show my mom." ~ StephenEllen's workspace. Rustic. Dog.