As we near the end of 2022, the field of education is undoubtedly in transition. Gene Kerns, Chief Academic Officer for Renaissance, the company behind well-known products such as Star Assessments, Nearpod, and Accelerated Reader, offers fervent hope for our profession.


Dr. Gene Kerns serves as the Chief Academic Officer for Renaissance. He has a rich background as the Supervisor of Academic Services for the Milford, Delaware School District, a faculty member at the University of Delaware, and has been a teacher and administrator in both Delaware and Virginia. Gene holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Longwood University in VA and his doctorate in education from the University of Delaware. He is the co-author of three books: Informative Assessment: When It’s Not About a Grade, Unlocking Student Talent, and Literacy Reframed.

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About Dr. Gene Kerns

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Gene’s Books on Amazon

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