Tracy and Chris are honored to continue their dialogue with missionary, pastor, and leader Bill Schwartz. As Bill reminds us, there will be distractions in life. But he encourages us to have a life statement reminding us that we should “live to make a difference.” He and his family seek to do that. He invites us all to say yes to that invitation. So, how does Bill and his ministry reach that goal? He builds people and organizations to help people define who they are. If we don’t define ourselves, others will define us. Because of that, evaluate your giftings and your desires, consult with spiritual leaders, and remember that intimacy with God needs to be intentional. It helps to write those things down and focus on who you are. Bill senses the importance of these three things: making disciples, training leaders, and planting churches. Listen in and define success correctly. Allow your definition of success to be obedience to God.