Travis has long-time friend and Next Gen team member Sam Knickerbocker on the podcast talking about:

Poverty vs Wealth mindset

What does it mean to be authentic? 

What does influence really mean?


Come join the deep conversation with two good friends as they dive into some important topics behind branding. 


Want to build a coaching mastermind? Program? Event? Or simply build multiple streams of income? Go to: and check out the certification to help you gain the mindsets and skillsets to crush it in the business! 


Want to learn about your 4-Archetypes of leadership and how it relates to building a business and brand? DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK: DISCOVERING YOUR LEADERSHIP BRAND: INTEGRATING THE 4 ARCHETYPES IN YOUR BUSINESS. 

Instagram: @TravisBradyBrands @Sam.Knickerbocker