Who’s That Chicken in the Mirror?
Humans are very smart. When we look in a mirror, we don’t see someone else! We know we’re looking at ourselves.
Elephants can also see themselves in a mirror. They’re smart too. So can dolphins. How about… chickens??
Roosters are boy chickens. Last year, scientists tested some roosters… They wanted to know how smart they are.
First, they put the roosters in with lots of other chickens. Then,* *they flew a dangerous bird high above their heads. The roosters made a big sound! They were warning the other chickens.
Next, they took the other chickens away. The roosters were alone. Again,they flew the dangerous bird high above their heads. This time, the roosters stayed quiet.
Finally, they gave the roosters a mirror. If the roosters stayed quiet this time, it would prove chickens were smart.
Once more,they flew the dangerous bird high above the rooster’s heads. And … most of the roosters stayed quiet!
Maybe roosters really can see themselves! Are chickens smarter than we think?
1. mirror 鏡子
When you look in the mirror 你照鏡子的時候…
Wait, is this some ghost story? 等等,這是鬼故事嗎?
No no, I’m just asking what you see.不是,我只是問你看到什麼。
I see myself, of course.當然是我自己囉。
2. themselves 他們自己
My two babies see themselves, too.我的兩個幼兒也看到自己。
Why do you sound so surprised? 為什麼你這麼驚訝?
Because they’re just one year old! 因為他們才一歲。
3. other 別的
They smile and wave. 他們會笑,還揮手。
So you’re saying they know? 所以你是說他們知道?
They know it’s them. 他們知道那是他們。
Not other people.不是別人。
4. smart 聰明的
Maybe they’re smart? 也許他們很聰明?
Yeah, as smart as dolphins! 對啊,跟海豚一樣聰明。
other 別的
1. What animal can see itself in a mirror?
a. A dog
b. An elephant
c. A rabbit
2. How do roosters warn other chickens of danger?
a. Make a big sound
b. Run away
c. Fall asleep
3. What was flown over the rooster’s heads?
a. An airplane
b. Ironman
c. A dangerous bird
1. b
2. a
3. c