Mmm… I love wax apples. It’s my favorite fruit.

I want wax apple trees in my garden. Then I can pick wax apples when I want them. I can eat them all the time!

Farmers in Taiwan grow a lot of wax apples. We can get them at fruit stands and supermarkets here. But sometimes we can’t get wax apples in other countries.

A husband and wife from Taiwan live in the USA. He wanted to eat wax apples there. But he didn’t find any. Then someone gave him a wax apple tree. The pair made a tropical fruit farm… with that one tree!

“Uncle Happy Farmer” and his wife made the farm 40 years ago. Now their farm has more than 40 kinds of tropical fruits and vegetables. His wife grows the fruit trees. Uncle Happy Farmer grows the vegetables.

A chicken helps them! Her name is Lucy. Her poop is good for the trees.
還有一隻雞 Lucy 會幫忙!牠的便便對樹木很好。

Maybe I can make a fruit farm too. And maybe I can get a chicken to help me! Then I’ll have all the wax apples I can eat!


1. fruit stand 水果攤
Don’t you just love fruit stands? 你會不會很喜歡水果攤?
They are so pretty to look at. 它們真好看。

2. farm 農場
You’re right. 你說得對。
Red apples, yellow bananas and green guavas. 紅蘋果,黃香蕉,綠芭樂。
My cousin owns a fruit farm in Taitung. 我表哥在台東有一個水果農場。

3. pick 採摘
We sometimes go there to pick the fruit. 我們有時候會去那裏採果子。
How nice! 真好!
Yeah, it’s wonderful! 對啊,是很棒。

4. chicken 雞
He raises chickens, too. 他也養雞。
So you would have chicken soup after the hard work. 所以你們辛苦工作之後就喝雞湯。
No! He never wanted to kill the chickens. 沒有,他從來不肯殺雞。

fruit stand 水果攤
farm 農場
pick 採摘
chicken 雞


1. What is the husband known as?
A: Mr. Joy Planter
B: Uncle Happy Farmer
C: Grandpa Fun Rancher

2. Where do the husband and wife live?
A: The USA
B: Taiwan
C: Malaysia

3. What did the pair start their fruit farm with?
A: Wax apple seeds
B: A wax apple tree
C: Tropical vegetables

1. B
2. A
3. B