NASA's Super-Quiet Supersonic Jet

Let's have a quick quiz! Listen: what's this?

This sound is a sonic boom. It happens when something moves faster than the speed of sound!

Sound moves very fast through the air. Airplanes do too. The fastest airplanes are jets. Some jets fly faster than sound! They're supersonic jets.

One of the most famous supersonic jets was the Concorde. Most airplanes take seven hours to fly from London to New York. The Concorde did it in three and a half hours!

One problem with the Concorde was the sonic boom. It was too loud! People didn't like it.

NASA is the space agency of the USA. Now, NASA is making a new, very quiet supersonic jet! It's called the X-59.
美國太空總署正在製造新型的超音速噴射機,聲音很小,叫做 X-59。

NASA says the X-59 can fly from New York to London in one and a half hours! That's much faster than the Concorde! And the sonic boom is now a little sonic thump.
太空總署說這款飛機從紐約到倫敦只需要一個半小時! 比協和號更快!

The X-59 is a new start for much faster, much quieter flights!


1. fast 快的
Wow, that was fast! 哇,飛得好快!
Yeah, so cool! 對啊,好酷 !
What kind of fighter jets are they? 那是哪一種噴射戰機?
I think they're F-16. 我想是F-16.

2. airplane 飛機
They're so much faster than an airplane. 它們比飛機快多了。
It's because they're much smaller. 因為它小很多。

3. supersonic 超音速
They can go supersonic as well.它們也可以超音速飛行。
I hope they do that now. 我希望它們現在就那樣飛。
I can't wait for the sonic boom. 我等不及要聽聲爆了。

4. loud 大聲的
It'll be so loud that you have to cover your ears. 那聲音會大到你得遮住耳朵。
Really? How exciting! 真的嗎? 好興奮!



1. What happens when something moves faster than sound?
a. Thunder
b. An explosion
c. A sonic boom

2. What kind of airplane was the Concorde?
a. A super-quiet jet
b. A superhero jet
c. A supersonic jet

3. In how many hours can the X-59 fly from New York to London?
a. Seven hours
b. Three and a half hours
c. One and a half hours

1. c
2. c
3. c

NASA's Super-Quiet Supersonic Jet

Let's have a quick quiz! Listen: what's this?

This sound is a sonic boom. It happens when something moves faster than the speed of sound!


Sound moves very fast through the air. Airplanes do too. The fastest airplanes are jets. Some jets fly faster than sound! They're supersonic jets.


One of the most famous supersonic jets was the Concorde. Most airplanes take seven hours to fly from London to New York. The Concorde did it in three and a half hours!


One problem with the Concorde was the sonic boom. It was too loud! People didn't like it.


NASA is the space agency of the USA. Now, NASA is making a new, very quiet supersonic jet! It's called the X-59.

美國太空總署正在製造新型的超音速噴射機,聲音很小,叫做 X-59。

NASA says the X-59 can fly from New York to London in one and a half hours! That's much faster than the Concorde! And the sonic boom is now a little sonic thump.

太空總署說這款飛機從紐約到倫敦只需要一個半小時! 比協和號更快!

The X-59 is a new start for much faster, much quieter flights!




1. fast 快的

Wow, that was fast! 哇,飛得好快!

Yeah, so cool! 對啊,好酷 !

What kind of fighter jets are they? 那是哪一種噴射戰機?

I think they're F-16. 我想是F-16.

2. airplane 飛機

They're so much faster than an airplane. 它們比飛機快多了。

It's because they're much smaller. 因為它小很多。

3. supersonic 超音速

They can go supersonic as well.它們也可以超音速飛行。

I hope they do that now. 我希望它們現在就那樣飛。

I can't wait for the sonic boom. 我等不及要聽聲爆了。

4. loud 大聲的

It'll be so loud that you have to cover your ears. 那聲音會大到你得遮住耳朵。

Really? How exciting! 真的嗎? 好興奮!








1. What happens when something moves faster than sound?

a. Thunder

b. An explosion

c. A sonic boom

2. What kind of airplane was the Concorde?

a. A super-quiet jet

b. A superhero jet

c. A supersonic jet

3. In how many hours can the X-59 fly from New York to London?

a. Seven hours

b. Three and a half hours

c. One and a half hours


1. c

2. c

3. c