K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小)

In Taiwan, people love staying up late on New Year's Eve and watching fireworks. People countdown to midnight and then… kaboom!

Most fireworks shows are not long. Kaohsiung City's 2023 fireworks show was three minutes long.

This time, Kaohsiung City is making their fireworks show one minute longer. People will see four minutes of fireworks. Four minutes is short. But in those four minutes, more than 7,000 fireworks will go off!

The Kaohsiung Eye Ferris Wheel's colorful lights will make the show more beautiful! The fireworks will make the Port of Kaohsiung's waters sparkle!

Kaohsiung's mayor is excited. His city will shine! Big stars will be at the New Year's Eve countdown party before the fireworks!

Another fireworks show in Kaohsiung will be 999 seconds long. Kaohsiung's midnight sky will be bright! People are going to have a blast!

The New Year's Eve countdown is in two days. I can't wait to see the firework shows. Happy New Year everybody!


1. party 派對
What's your plan for New Year's Eve? 你跨年夜有什麼計畫?
I'm going to a friend's party. 我要去朋友的派對。

2. minute 分鐘
We can see the Taipei 101 fireworks from her house. 我們可以從她家看台北101煙火。
But that show only lasts three minutes! 但是那場秀只有三分鐘!

3. watch 看
That's good enough for me. 對我來說夠好了。
I've never been so close to it before.我從來沒有那麼靠近過。
I always watch it on YouTube, if at all. 我要是要看,都在YouTube上面看。

4. count down 倒數
It's totally different! 那完全不同!
You get to count down to the New Year with a lot of people! 你跟一大群人一起倒數迎新年!
But New Year's Day is just like any other day. 但是元旦就跟任何一天一樣。

count down倒數


1. How many fireworks will go off in four minutes in Kaohsiung City's show?
a. 10
b. 999
c. 7,000

2. What does the Kaohsiung Eye Ferris Wheel have?
a. Colorful fireworks
b. Colorful lights
c. A midnight sky
3. What will make the Port of Kaohsiung's water sparkle?
a. The party
b. The fireworks
c. The city

1. c
2. b
3. b

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小)


In Taiwan, people love staying up late on New Year's Eve and watching fireworks. People countdown to midnight and then… kaboom!


Most fireworks shows are not long. Kaohsiung City's 2023 fireworks show was three minutes long.


This time, Kaohsiung City is making their fireworks show one minute longer. People will see four minutes of fireworks. Four minutes is short. But in those four minutes, more than 7,000 fireworks will go off!


The Kaohsiung Eye Ferris Wheel's colorful lights will make the show more beautiful! The fireworks will make the Port of Kaohsiung's waters sparkle!


Kaohsiung's mayor is excited. His city will shine! Big stars will be at the New Year's Eve countdown party before the fireworks!


Another fireworks show in Kaohsiung will be 999 seconds long. Kaohsiung's midnight sky will be bright! People are going to have a blast!


The New Year's Eve countdown is in two days. I can't wait to see the firework shows. Happy New Year everybody!




1. party 派對

What's your plan for New Year's Eve? 你跨年夜有什麼計畫?

I'm going to a friend's party. 我要去朋友的派對。

2. minute 分鐘

We can see the Taipei 101 fireworks from her house. 我們可以從她家看台北101煙火。

But that show only lasts three minutes! 但是那場秀只有三分鐘!

3. watch 看

That's good enough for me. 對我來說夠好了。

I've never been so close to it before.我從來沒有那麼靠近過。

I always watch it on YouTube, if at all. 我要是要看,都在YouTube上面看。

4. count down 倒數

It's totally different! 那完全不同!

You get to count down to the New Year with a lot of people! 你跟一大群人一起倒數迎新年!

But New Year's Day is just like any other day. 但是元旦就跟任何一天一樣。





count down倒數



1. How many fireworks will go off in four minutes in Kaohsiung City's show?

a. 10

b. 999

c. 7,000

2. What does the Kaohsiung Eye Ferris Wheel have?

a. Colorful fireworks

b. Colorful lights

c. A midnight sky

3. What will make the Port of Kaohsiung's water sparkle?

a. The party

b. The fireworks

c. The city


1. c

2. b

3. b