Horse Makes Plane Go Back to Airport 
Do you dream about traveling with your pet? In Taiwan, you can travel by plane with your dog, cat, or rabbit. But in the plane, animals don't sit with people.
你有想過跟寵物一起旅行嗎? 在台灣,你可以跟寵物貓、狗或兔子一起坐飛機旅行,但是寵物不會跟人坐在一起。
Animals are in the cargo hold. That's where the suitcases are. Dogs, cats, and other animals are safe in cages there. But sometimes, an animal gets out!
A plane was taking horses from New York to Europe. A strong wind blew. The plane shook!
A horse got out of its cage! No one knows how it got out. But the horse did not go back into its cage!
The pilot needed help! He turned the plane around. He wanted to go back to New York for help. But the plane was too heavy! It was dangerous to land!
So the pilot let fifty six thousand liters of gas go into the air outside. Then the plane landed safely. An animal doctor helped the horse.
This horse got out of his cage. But most animals are safe in planes. When you take your pet on a plane, make sure your pet can stay in its cage!


1. plane 飛機
Why are you packing your cat’s stuff? 妳為什麼在打包貓的東西?
Because I’m taking him on board a plane.因為我要帶牠搭飛機。

2. travel 旅行
What?! Are you kidding? 什麼啊,你在開玩笑吧?
They won’t let you travel with Charlie.他們不會讓你跟查理一起旅行的。
I know that. He’ll be in cargo. 我知道,牠會待在貨艙。

3. shake 震動
He’ll be scared when the plane shakes.飛機震動時牠會害怕。
It shouldn’t be that bad.不會那麼糟糕。
Charlie is a strong cat. 查理是很堅強的貓。

4. sometimes 有時候
Sometimes I really don’t understand you. 有時候我真搞不懂你。
Well, I just don’t want to leave Charlie. 我就是不想離開查理。

Please read the vocabulary with me.


1. Which animal can you not take on a plane in Taiwan?
a. A dog
b. A cat
c. A snake

2. Which animal got out of its cage?
a. A rabbit
b. A horse
c. A cat

3. How many liters of gas went into the air?
a. 560
b. 5,600
c. 56,000
1. c
2. b
3. c