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Doctors Give Man New Eye

Doctors are always finding new ways to help people. Now, for the first time ever, they’ve given someone a new eye! His name is Aaron …
Aaron works with electricity. Electricity is full of power. It’s made in power stations. Power lines take electricity to our homes.
One power line takes electricity to many homes. Touching a power line is very dangerous! So power lines are high above the ground. This keeps people safe.
Aaron's job was fixing power lines. One day, he touched a power line. It was an accident. Aaron got a big, bad shock! Seven thousand two hundred volts hit his body. That’s electricity for 30 houses!
Aaron 有一天修理電線的時候,遭到7200伏特的高壓電擊中,相當於30間房屋的用電量。
Aaron almost died! Half of his face was gone! One of Aaron's eyes was gone too. Aaron took a selfie. He saw inside his skull!
Aaron 差一點死掉,他不僅半張臉毀容,也失去了一隻眼睛。
One hundred forty doctors and nurses worked 21 hours in one day to help Aaron. They saved his life! And, they gave him a new eye too!
A team of over 100 doctors and nurses saved Aaron’s life, and his eye!

1. power 電力
Oh no, the power’s out! 糟糕,停電了!
Get the candles! 快去拿蠟燭。
No, you have your cell phone, remember? 不用啦,你記得你有手機吧?
But without electricity, my cell phone won’t last long.但是停電,我的手機也維持不了多久。
2. fix 修理
Maybe they can fix the power line fast. 也許他們很快就會把電線修好。
No, I don’t want people to go out in this weather. 不,我不想要人們在這種天氣出門。
3. dangerous 危險的
It’s too dangerous. 太危險了。
That’s true. 那是真的。
You’re right. 你說得對。
We don’t want accidents.我們不想要出什麼事。
4. help 幫忙
I’ll get the candles then. 我去拿蠟燭。
And I can help cook dinner. 我可以幫忙做晚飯。

1. Where is electricity made?
a. Power lines
b. Power points
c. Power stations
2. How big was Aaron’s electric shock?
a. 30 volts
b. 140 volts
c. 7,200 volts
3. What did Aaron see in his selfie?
a. Inside his skull
b. Inside his eye
c. Inside his home
1. c
2. c
3. a