Company Thanks Dead Pests

**Voice: *Ewww, gross! *gasp** What did I do?! I’M SORRY, COCKROACH!!!
Narrator: Most people aren't sad about killing these big brown bugs!
Cockroaches are pests. Mosquitoes, flies, and other bugs are pests too. Pests carry lots of germs and diseases. Pests can make you very sick.
Pesticides are special sprays, gels, and smells that kill pests. Big companies have their own bugs for testing. They want to make sure their pesticides kill bugs.
In Japan, one pesticide company has around one million cockroaches and more than one hundred million ticks!
This company kills millions of bugs. It kills them to keep people safe from disease. But killing bugs makes the company’s workers very sad.
Every year, this company has a ceremony at a temple. The ceremony is to thank the dead bugs. A priest prays in front of many pictures of dead bugs. It’s very sad and very serious …
Goodbye, dead pests! The next time you see a bug, why not … Yuck! Whoops …

1. mosquito 蚊子
There! Got you! 打到你了!
Another mosquito? 又一隻蚊子?
Why do we have so many mosquitoes this year? 今年我們怎麼這麼多蚊子?
2. fly 蒼蠅
Look at your broken window. 看看你破掉的窗戶。
That’s why.那就是原因。
You’re right. Just yesterday 3 flies came in. 你說對了,昨天三隻蒼蠅跑進來。
3. make sure 確保
They didn’t stop on my bread, did they? 他們沒有停在我的麵包上吧?
No, I made sure they were dead. 沒有,我確保牠們死了。
That’s really something! 這個就厲害了!
4. pesticide 殺蟲劑
How did you do it? 你是怎麼辦到的?
Easy. I used pesticide. 很簡單,我用了殺蟲劑。
Uh…That’s actually not a good idea. 那其實不是個好主意。
make sure確保

1. What do pests carry?
a. Flies
b. Germs
c. Gels
2. Which of these are not pests?
a. Cockroaches
b. Mosquitoes
c. Pesticides
3. How many ticks does the pesticide company have?
a. More than one hundred million
b. Around one million
c. One
1. b
2. c
3. a