Previous Episode: Leftovers at the Zoo

A Fight About Pineapple Pizza in Italy

Something's in the oven. Let's guess what it is. It's round. The bottom is bread. On top, there's cheese, olive oil, basil…
烤箱裡是什麼? 我們來猜猜看,圓的,下面是麵包,有起司、橄欖油跟羅勒。

It's a pizza!

What!? There are a lot of pineapple slices on the pizza too!? But there's no tomato sauce or ham! This isn't a Hawaiian pizza. It's a new kind of pineapple pizza!

Pizza has a long history in Naples, the pizza city of Italy. There are even food laws to keep the traditional ways of making pizzas in Italy. This pineapple pizza isn't a traditional pizza. It's new!

People love this new pineapple pizza… or they hate it. Some people like to try new pizzas. They hold a slice of the pizza and say "Yum!" Other people want to eat only traditional pizzas. They shake their heads and say "Nooo!" Uh oh! There's a food fight! It's on the TV news in Italy.

Eating a pizza is all about sharing the many slices. Let's not fight. An order for the new pineapple pizza is coming right up! Do you want to try a bite?



1. make 做
I'm hungry. How about we make a pizza together? 我餓了。我們一起做個披薩如何?
Great idea; I love pizza! 好主意,我愛披薩。

2. tomato 番茄
I like olives, seafood and basil. 我喜歡橄欖,海鮮和羅勒。
And I like tomato sauce and lots of cheese. 我喜歡番茄醬,還有很多起司。
Okay, let's put those on our pizza.好,通通放在披薩上。

3. share 分享
Let's make a big one to share it with others. 我們做個大的,好跟別人分享。

4. oven 烤箱
Yeah, pizza is all about sharing. 對,披薩就是要分享。
Oh, no! I forgot my oven is broken. 糟了,我忘了我的烤箱壞了!
Where's the phone number of that pizza place nearby? 附近那家披薩店的電話是多少?




1. What pizza topping is on the new pizza?
a. Pepperoni
b. Mushroom
c. Pineapple

2. What is on the TV news in this story?
a. Food laws
b. A food fight
c. A pizza order

3. Which country has the new pizza?
a. Iceland
b. India
c. Italy

1. c
2. b
3. c

A Fight About Pineapple Pizza in Italy

Something's in the oven. Let's guess what it is. It's round. The bottom is bread. On top, there's cheese, olive oil, basil…

烤箱裡是什麼? 我們來猜猜看,圓的,下面是麵包,有起司、橄欖油跟羅勒。

It's a pizza!

What!? There are a lot of pineapple slices on the pizza too!? But there's no tomato sauce or ham! This isn't a Hawaiian pizza. It's a new kind of pineapple pizza!


Pizza has a long history in Naples, the pizza city of Italy. There are even food laws to keep the traditional ways of making pizzas in Italy. This pineapple pizza isn't a traditional pizza. It's new!


People love this new pineapple pizza… or they hate it. Some people like to try new pizzas. They hold a slice of the pizza and say "Yum!" Other people want to eat only traditional pizzas. They shake their heads and say "Nooo!" Uh oh! There's a food fight! It's on the TV news in Italy.


Eating a pizza is all about sharing the many slices. Let's not fight. An order for the new pineapple pizza is coming right up! Do you want to try a bite?




1. make 做

I'm hungry. How about we make a pizza together? 我餓了。我們一起做個披薩如何?

Great idea; I love pizza! 好主意,我愛披薩。

2. tomato 番茄

I like olives, seafood and basil. 我喜歡橄欖,海鮮和羅勒。

And I like tomato sauce and lots of cheese. 我喜歡番茄醬,還有很多起司。

Okay, let's put those on our pizza.好,通通放在披薩上。

3. share 分享

Let's make a big one to share it with others. 我們做個大的,好跟別人分享。

4. oven 烤箱

Yeah, pizza is all about sharing. 對,披薩就是要分享。

Oh, no! I forgot my oven is broken. 糟了,我忘了我的烤箱壞了!

Where's the phone number of that pizza place nearby? 附近那家披薩店的電話是多少?








1. What pizza topping is on the new pizza?

a. Pepperoni

b. Mushroom

c. Pineapple

2. What is on the TV news in this story?

a. Food laws

b. A food fight

c. A pizza order

3. Which country has the new pizza?

a. Iceland

b. India

c. Italy


1. c

2. b

3. c