Governor Newsom has declared states of emergency in Fresno, Mariposa, San Diego and San Bernardino as record wildfires continue to rage. We still have demonstrations, protests, acts of political aggression and some opportunistic violence happening across the country. 

The opposition leader in Belarus, Maria Kolesnikova, has disappeared. Witnesses say she was abducted by masked men in a public park.

This story might sound vaguely familiar because Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned with Soviet era nerve gas last week.

In other “haven’t we seen this movie” news, the eighth round of post-Brexit negotiations are starting today between the United Kingdom and the European Union. There is still remarkable tension here and risk that the UK will not sort out a deal with the EU by December 31. 

President Trump used the White House to host what was billed as a press conference but was actually a campaign event as he continues to reel from The Atlantic’s reporting that he used derogatory language about veterans and those who have died during their service to the country. Transcript:

Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, with the surprising support of President Trump, will investigate claims that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy violated campaign finance laws by requiring employees at his old job to donate money to his preferred candidates and them reimbursed them for doing so.

Covid-19 cases are rising in 22 states, most notably in South Dakota following a large motorcycle rally in late August. This news comes as New York reports excellent containment of the virus for over 1 month. Public health officials are concerned that we will see rising cases in 2 weeks following the Labor Day holiday.

Cases are rising on college campuses as well, which we talk about in today’s new episode of Pantsuit Politics. You’ll also hear from Mary Sue, Jennie, Angie, and Nina about their journeys with disability and accessibility advocacy.

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