The Supreme Court has wrapped up its term. 

The Court ruled that the President is not absolutely immune from state criminal prosecution and that his financial records must be turned over the the state of NY. The Court also ruled In Trump v. Mazars, which was a dispute between Congress and the President over subpoenas of his financial records that the lower courts did not adequately take into account separation of powers concerns and they have to try again. 

Yesterday, the Court ruled 7-to-2 that private religious institutions are not subject to employment discrimination laws and that the “ministerial exception” still stands with regards to teachers at religious institutions. The Court also ruled that employers with religious objections can limit access to birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act. 

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a decorated Iraq war veteran who was a prominent witness in the Trump impeachment inquiry, said he would retire from the Army after the White House objected to his promotion.

Summer Taylor was killed Saturday after a man drove his vehicle into a crowd of peaceful protestors.

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