There are many good commentaries to help you study the Psalms. We would recommend John Calvin’s as a classic, as well as the two volume work by Derek Kidner as an accessible resource that everyone can benefit from reading. A newer single volume work by Tremper Longman is beneficial, as is his short book How to Read The Psalms.

A good visual overview of Psalms, done by The Bible Project, can be found here: (we would also recommend their other videos as a way to grasp the general outline and theme of biblical books).

You may have heard Benjamin reference Answering God by Eugene Peterson in his sermons. Along with that, he would recommend you check out the classic Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon, as well as Psalms: Prayerbook of The Bible by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Nate was prompted to start studying the Psalms more closely by reading Psalms as Torah by Gordon Wenham, which is a little more on the academic side. Wenham also wrote The Psalter Reclaimed, which is easier to digest and covers much of the same ground.

An excellent resource for praying not just the Psalms is Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney. In it he describes a method for using the Psalms for prayer everyday that anyone can apply and use. Likewise, Tim Keller’s book Prayer details his own path to incorporating the Psalms into his prayer life. He has since followed it up with a short devotional called The Songs of Jesus that works through the entire book of Psalms over the course of a year.

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