In this episode, a repost from a couple of years ago, Damein Schitter, Benjamin Kandt, and Nate Claiborne discuss how to read Genesis well.

As we start a new reading plan at NewCity Orlando, we want to provide conversations from our leaders about reading Scripture well together.

You can start our new reading plan by downloading the Read Scripture App.

For more resources, we would recommend both Reading Genesis Well and Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary both by C. John Collins. Likewise, Redeeming Science and Interpreting Eden both by Vern Poythress are useful for wrestling with issues related to the early chapters of Genesis.

For reading the book of Genesis as a whole well, we would recommend the commentaries by Derek Kidner and Bruce Waltke. Also helpful are the commentaries by Tremper Longman and John Walton. However, readers may find some of their views on the early chapters at odds with traditional interpretations.