Evelyn Elsaesser is an independent researcher and expert on death-related experiences, notably spontaneous and direct After-Death Communications (ADCs), Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), and End-of-Life Experiences (ELE). She is the project leader of the five-year ongoing research project “Investigation of the Phenomenology and Impact of Spontaneous After-Death Communications (ADCs)” with team members Chris A. Roe, Callum E. … Continue reading "Researching Contact With the Deceased with Evelyn Elsaesser"

Evelyn Elsaesser is an independent researcher and expert on death-related experiences, notably spontaneous and direct After-Death Communications (ADCs), Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), and End-of-Life Experiences (ELE). She is the project leader of the five-year ongoing research project “Investigation of the Phenomenology and Impact of Spontaneous After-Death Communications (ADCs)” with team members Chris A. Roe, Callum E. Cooper, and David Lorimer, where the first phase was published in the book, “Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased: A Large-Scale International Survey Reveals the Circumstances and Lived Experience of After-Death Communications (ADCs) and their Beneficial Impact.” Her other books include “On the Other Side of Life: Exploring the Phenomenon on the Near-Death Experience”, “Talking with Angel about Illness, Death, and Survival”, and “Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience” co-authored with Kenneth Ring. She is the founding member of the Scientific Committee of Swiss IANDS – The International Association for Near Death Studies. Her website is www.evelyn-elsaesser.com. Her After-Death Communications Project website is www.adcrp.org.

Evelyn shares that After-Death Communications (ADCs) are common, normal, natural, and healthy. Her research estimates that spontaneous ADCs occur in 50-60% of the population. Contacts from the deceased come from those who shared an extremely close emotional bond with the living, such as parents, spouse or partners, family, friends, and colleagues. Spontaneous ADCs can occur during sleep and daytime where the deceased may be perceived through sight as a physical apparition, touch, sound, a scent, or a sensing of presence. The mood of the deceased is often serene, compassionate, and eager to comfort the living. Fear of death significantly decreases for those who have been contacted the deceased. Love, affection, and tenderness have survived death. The main message is, “I am alive and well. I am still here with you.”

New Thinking Allowed Guest Host, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist and integrative medicine practitioner based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is https://emmyvadnais.com/

(Recorded on May 5, 2022)

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