Bernardo Kastrup, PhD, is a computer scientist, who has also completed a second doctoral degree in philosophy. He is author of Rationalist Spirituality, Why Materialism is Baloney, Dreamed Up Reality, Meaning in Absurdity, Brief Peeks Beyond, More Than Allegory, The Idea of the World, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics, and Decoding Jung’s Metaphysics: The Archetypal Semantics of … Continue reading "Jungian Metaphysics with Bernardo Kastrup"

Bernardo Kastrup, PhD, is a computer scientist, who has also completed a second doctoral degree in philosophy. He is author of Rationalist Spirituality, Why Materialism is Baloney, Dreamed Up Reality, Meaning in Absurdity, Brief Peeks Beyond, More Than Allegory, The Idea of the World, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics, and Decoding Jung’s Metaphysics: The Archetypal Semantics of an Experiential Universe. He has published several papers on Scientific American’s website arguing for metaphysical idealism. His website is

Bernardo has launched a new organization, #EssentiaFoundation, and has produced some wonderful short videos that can be viewed at and

Here he describes the enormous influence of Jungian thought upon his own work. He explains that, although Jung often professed to avoid metaphysical speculation, toward the end of his life he was clear about his position as a philosophical idealist. This is particularly reflected in his theory of synchronicity as well as in his identification of the collective unconscious with phenomenal reality. Kastrup also describes synchronicities he experienced while writing about Jung.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is the Grand Prize winner of the Bigelow Institute essay competition on the postmortem survival of human consciousness.

(Recorded on December 8, 2021)

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You can help support our ongoing video productions while enjoying a good book. To order Decoding Jung’s Metaphysics: The Archetypal Semantics of an Experiential Universe by Bernardo Kastrup, click here:


Bernardo Kastrup, Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics –

Bernardo Kastrup, The Idea of the World: A Multi-Disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality –

Bernardo Kastrup, Dreamed Up Reality: Diving Into the Mind to Uncover the Astonishing Hidden Tale of Nature –

Bernardo Kastrup, Why Materialism is Baloney –

Bernardo Kastrup, Brief Peeks Beyond: Critical Essays on Metaphysics, Neuroscience, Free Will, Skepticism, and Culture –

Bernardo Kastrup, Meaning in Absurdity: What Bizarre Phenomena Can Tell Us About the Nature of Reality –

Bernardo Kastrup, Rationalist Spirituality – Bernardo Kastrup, More Than Allegory: On Religious Myth, Truth, and Belief –

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