James Tunney, LLM, is an Irish Barrister who has lectured on legal matters throughout the world. He is a poet, a scholar, and author of The Mystery of the Trapped Light: Mystical Thoughts in the Dark Age of Scientism plus The Mystical Accord: Sutras to Suit Our Times, Lines for Spiritual Evolution. His paintings have … Continue reading "Consciousness and Fine Art with James Tunney"

James Tunney, LLM, is an Irish Barrister who has lectured on legal matters throughout the world. He is a poet, a scholar, and author of The Mystery of the Trapped Light: Mystical Thoughts in the Dark Age of Scientism plus The Mystical Accord: Sutras to Suit Our Times, Lines for Spiritual Evolution. His paintings have been shown in galleries in Scandinavia and London.His website is http://www.jamestunney.com.

Here he shares his passion for and knowledge of a fine art painting. This highly illustrated conversation covers the artwork of Hildegard of Bingen, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Worhol, Carl Jung, Francis Bacon, Frank Auerbach, Norman Rockwell, Paul Cézanne, Glorianna Houghton, Édouard Manet, Georges Seurat, Hilma af Klint, Wassily Kandinsky, Francisco Botticini, Leonardo da Vinci, Filippo Brunelleschi, William Blake, Gino Severini, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Jack Yeats, Oskar Kokaschka, Franc Marc, Max Beckmann, Sean Scully, Ian Fairweather, August Macke, Piero della Francesca, and Nicholas Roerich – as well as his own work. Special emphasis is placed on expressionism in painting.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on January 16, 2021)

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