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Christ Is King Ministries

92 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★ - 2 ratings

Most people do not worship Jesus Christ. Even many Christians lack the profound sense of awe and wonder in the Gospel needed to experience the deeply-rooted life of praise God is so worthy of. As a result, lesser things are adored, and the joyful life God desires for His people is sacrificed. This is a colossal tragedy.

Christ Is King Ministries is on a mission to change that.

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Crucified With Christ / Galatians 2:17-21 / Gary Fox

November 03, 2019 11:00 - 58 minutes - 79.7 MB

Because we have been crucified with Christ, we are no longer under the condemnation of the Law! We are free because Christ has saved us and now, He lives within us, forever! “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

The Suffering and Glory of the Savior / Gary Fox

October 27, 2019 10:00 - 55 minutes - 75.6 MB

The Lord Jesus Christ experienced both suffering and glory as He atoned for the sins of His people!   “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Justified / Galatians 2:15-16 / Gary Fox

October 20, 2019 10:00 - 59 minutes - 82.1 MB

Justification comes only by God’s grace, through personal faith, in Jesus Christ ALONE! Nothing the world has to offer and nothing the world’s religions have to offer can make anyone whole. Only King Jesus can do that! THIS is the GOSPEL! “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Confrontation / Galatians 2:11-14 / Gary Fox

October 13, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 83.1 MB

Christians ought never be overly confrontational, otherwise we’re just acting like jerks. However, there are certainly times when confrontation is not only optional…it’s required! When the message and impact of the Gospel is at stake, confrontation is necessary. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

A Sacred Trust / Galatians 2:1-10 / Gary Fox

October 06, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 90.5 MB

Peace and harmony with the culture and within the Church is certainly something we should hope for but we must be unwilling to sacrifice the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to attain it. The message of the Gospel glorifies God and saves sinners, no other motivation can trump either of those.   “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Church Planting / Matthew 28:19 / Gary Fox

September 29, 2019 10:00 - 48 minutes - 66.4 MB

There are FIVE Sunday's in the month of September, and whenever we have a month with five Sunday's we like to produce a special bonus edition for the podcast! This month Gary Fox interviews Pastor Michael Meadows, the church planting missionary pastor of New Hill Church in Medina, OH. They talk about the mission in Medina along with the need for church planting to continue throughout the entire nation. "There Is A King" by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Testimony / Galatians 1:13-24 / Gary Fox

September 22, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 86.5 MB

Every Christian has a personal testimony of how Christ came into their lives and personally saved them. We all have a story. However, we must be careful not to overemphasize our personal experience over our confession of faith in the Gospel. It is equally important to understand what the Gospel message is and what it is not. People need to know more than our personal experience; they need to hear the message of the Gospel which has been passed down generation after generation. But never forg...

Revealed / Galatians 1:11-12 / Gary Fox

September 15, 2019 10:00 - 59 minutes - 82 MB

Christianity is not a man-made religion; it hinges upon direct revelation of God. The Lord wanted to reveal Himself to sinful humanity and was able to do so. We have the revelation, all of it, in the 66 books of the Bible. The Apostle makes no uncertain claims, the message he delivered came directly from Jesus. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

People Pleasing Preachers / Galatians 1:10 / Gary Fox

September 08, 2019 10:00 - 58 minutes - 80.1 MB

Christians who seek to minister are going to be motivated by one of two things. They will either seek the approval of man or they will seek the approval of God. They cannot and will not do both. Those who seek to please God will be hated by the world, those who seek to please man will compromise and sell out the Gospel. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Anathema / Galatians 1:6-9 / Gary Fox

September 01, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 84.6 MB

We live at a moment in time where not only is the Gospel not always clearly articulated or understood, it is now relegated to a secondary matter. It is truly an unprecedented thing to have churches treat the message of the Gospel as if it is a secondary issue and one not worth fighting over. The Apostle Paul certainly didn’t hold that view, he lambasts anyone who distorts the message of Jesus and declares such a person as accursed. When was the last time you heard a message that heavy and ur...

Galatians / Galatians 1:1-5 / Gary Fox

August 25, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 86.7 MB

The Apostle Paul planted churches all around the Galatia region and wanted (and needed) to write to them to encourage them to remain in the faith. He was inspired to write to them to confront the false teaching of a group known as the Judaizers who working to undermine the Gospel message by insisting these new converts also take on most elements of OT Judaism. This pressure to conform to legalistic, extra-Biblical religious standards is and will always be an ongoing batter, human nature reje...

The Apostate / James 5:19-20 / Gary Fox

August 18, 2019 10:00 - 50 minutes - 69.6 MB

It is great to have a church with a wide opened door at the front, all should be welcome to come! In most of our churches, most of our efforts are focused on drawing people into that front door. That might be a great thing if the fact that we also tend to have a massive back door that is not only opened but has had its doors blown off the hinges wasn’t sadly so real. What are we doing about that back door? What happens when church folk just…disappear? Do we care? Do we even notice? If so, do...

The Power of Prayer / James 5:13-18 / Gary Fox

August 11, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 89.8 MB

Do you believe in the power of prayer? Most Christians are quick to say, “absolutely!” …but do you really? It seems like we are all so prone to turn to the world whenever we face trials and the celebrate with the world when things go well, and when we do that it should cause us to question ourselves about what we truly believe about prayer. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Be Credible / James 5:12 / Gary Fox

August 04, 2019 10:00 - 48 minutes - 67.1 MB

For the Gospel to be effectively proclaimed, Christians must be taken seriously. When we speak people should believe and trust in our sincerity and have confidence that we know what we are talking about. This goes not only for the formal declaration of Gospel truths, but this should be true when we speak to people on any topic. We must be sincere and credible any time we speak and if not then our witness is shot long before we even get to the details of the Gospel. The Apostle James says t...

Why Eschatology Matters / James 5:7-11 / Gary Fox

July 28, 2019 12:20 - 1 hour - 109 MB

If you asked most evangelical pastors today about "end times Bible prophecy" you'd probably get the impression that such things are not all that important and certainly not worth spending much time looking into. Of course, that is not at all the Biblical vision of the Last Things, after all, God put all that stuff in there for a reason! Obviously, HE doesn't think it's no big deal! And the Apostle James directly ties our hope in and mediation upon the Second Coming to our ability to endure...

Warning The Rich / James 5:1-6 / Gary Fox

July 21, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 82.4 MB

The Bible nowhere condemns wealth, but it strongly condemns oppression of the poor by fraud. The Apostle James sounds much like an OT prophet as he rails against the abuse of wealthy, non-Christian land owners who he warned of impending doom. "There Is a King" by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

If The Lord Wills / James 4:13-17 / Gary Fox

July 14, 2019 10:00 - 52 minutes - 71.4 MB

How quick are we to make plans without leaving any consideration for what the Lord would have us to do? How quick are we to accept the glory for good work being done, for profits that are being made or growth that our department or company is experiencing? The Apostle James says living life like that, living as if God is not directly involved in our lives, is a type arrogant boasting. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Judging / James 4:11-12 / Gary Fox

July 07, 2019 10:00 - 46 minutes - 63.9 MB

One does not need to read the Bible long before they come to understand that God forbids people to judge one another, but have you ever wondered why it’s such a big deal? Often times we chalk up a command like that as one of those “be nice to people” type of things without realizing the serious nature of the sin itself. “There Is A King” by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

The Supernatural Realm / Fifth Sunday Bonus / Gary Fox

June 30, 2019 10:00 - 57 minutes - 79.4 MB

Whenever there are 5 Sundays in a month we like to take a break from our regular study and introduce bonus content that we pray will be encouraging to you! For this 5th Sunday Bonus we go all the way back to July 8th, 2007 when Gary Fox preached at his first church plant, Southside Christian Fellowship (just outside of Akron, OH). The Bible is clear, the supernatural realm is real. It is impossible to read God's Word and come away believing it is presenting a naturalistic world. It speak...

Resist The Devil / James 4:5-10 / Gary Fox

June 23, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 83.5 MB

Fidelity to God is not something He takes lightly whatsoever, and neither should we. The devotion which we ought to display towards God is to be nothing short of radical, hard core and all pervasive. So extreme should our fidelity be to the Lord that it would seem to the world that we have lost our minds. We cannot both love the ways of the world and love the ways of God, and there is no middle ground between those two things. This week Gary Fox expounds upon the Apostle James’ teaching th...

Adulterous / James 4:4 / Gary Fox

June 16, 2019 10:00 - 50 minutes - 69.7 MB

The sin of adultery is so heinous because it mars the purpose God has for marriage. God intends marriage to represent to the world the type of relationship He has with His people. Stepping outside of marriage to find fulfillment is the same thing as saying, "God didn't provide for all of my needs..." The Apostle James equates loyalty and fidelity to the world with infidelity towards God. He says those who are loyal to the world are adulterous people. We have all been guilty of seeking plea...

What Causes Fights? / James 4:1-3 / Gary Fox

June 09, 2019 10:30 - 59 minutes - 82.3 MB

The Apostle James gets to the heart of every conflict, the desire to please the self. Often times it takes two selfish people, church members or nations to spark conflict, but not always. When we find ourselves in conflict, as Christians, we must examine our hearts and ask the Lord to show us if we are being motivated by His Kingdom...or ours. "There Is A King" by Zach Loomis, Used With Permission, All Rights Reserved

Demonic Wisdom / James 3:13-18 / Gary Fox

June 02, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 83.4 MB

There is a way in which the world thinks and a way in which the people of God will think, and those two ways are highly distinct. Worldly wisdom is based in selfish ambition, self promotion and self advancement. The wisdom which is "from above" is pure, gentle and all about seeking peace. This week Gary Fox exposes the evidence which demonstrates how we can be sure the modern evangelical movement is being significantly influenced by worldly wisdom and how we can distinguish between counter...

A Restless Evil / James 3:6-12 / Gary Fox

May 26, 2019 10:00 - 46 minutes - 64.3 MB

The Apostle James describes the tongue as a "fire" which is in and of itself neither good or evil. A fire can help or hurt, a fire can save or kill, a fire can produce or destroy. Our tongue is no different. This week Gary Fox unpacks this highly illustrative section of Scripture and pleads with his audience to do as the Apostle James instructs and that is to be sure the content of our speech is consistent with our regenerated hearts. "There Is A King" by Zach Loomis, Used with Permissio...

Small But Powerful / James 3:2-5 / Gary Fox

May 19, 2019 10:00 - 41 minutes - 56.7 MB

Few things are as powerful as the tongue. It can be a tool which builds or tears down. It can be used to heal or to hurt. I can reflect the goodness of God by speaking truth in love, or it can be used to mar the glorious nature of God by speaking lies or bitterness. This week Gary Fox explores the urgent warnings the Apostle James gives us regarding the very real danger of having an unbridled tongue, these are warnings all of us heed and take very seriously. ***There Is A King by Zach Lo...

Teachers Will Be Judged / James 3:1 / Gary Fox

May 12, 2019 10:00 - 49 minutes - 67.4 MB

The office and role of "teacher" in the Bible is one which is elevated to strict standards, and should never be taken lightly. When a man stands before people and declares to them what is and is not true, he had better be called, educated and gifted to do so because nothing is more vitally important for people than for them to know the truth. The Apostle James said there should be a limited number of men called upon to teach in the church and he reminds us that we are not doing anyone any ...

Dead Faith II / James 2:18-26 / Gary Fox

May 05, 2019 10:00 - 32 minutes - 44.6 MB

Just because someone says they are a Christian does not mean they actually are one. Their life, their works and their actions will PROVE what they say about what they believe. Even a weak Christian will be taking steps, albeit tiny ones, in the direction of obedience. If Jesus is not your Lord, He is not your Savior either. This week Gary Fox unpacks the power examples the Apostle James gives to us which prove without any doubt whatsoever that faith without works is dead. There Is A Ki...

Dead Faith / James 2:14-17 / Gary Fox

April 28, 2019 10:00 - 41 minutes - 57.5 MB

While it is very true that Christians are saved through faith alone, saving faith is never left alone. True saving faith will always be followed by genuine, God-fearing works. The Apostle James wipes out any doubt that anyone may have regarding the nature of the Christian life, he says it will be marked by good works. And if anyone claims to have faith but has no corresponding good works that person should not expect to be welcomed into Heaven because his faith is "dead". This week Gary ...

Mercy Triumphs / James 2:8-13 / Gary Fox

April 21, 2019 10:00 - 36 minutes - 50.6 MB

We are quick to either justify or minimalise sin rather than accept the responsibility of guilt. This is exactly how so many of us try to get around the sin of partiality, favoritism, racism and classism. We either try to justify it by saying nature intended for us to stick with our kind or we will say things like, “well, I was just raised this’s just how I feel…” The Apostle James lays waste to these arguments. He makes it very clear that sectarianism is sin and even if we are pe...

Being Judged At Church / James 2:2-7 / Gary Fox

April 14, 2019 10:30 - 45 minutes - 61.9 MB

It's bad enough that people have to deal with constant judgement out in the world, but to come into church and having to feel looked down upon (for whatever reason) is terrible. The Apostle James deals with this big time sin and says that it is rooted in "evil thoughts". Judging people based upon superficial standards such as their net worth is so contrary to the Gospel, yet even 2000 years later we are STILL too easily prone to do it! Join us this week as Gary Fox drills down into what ...

Tribalism, Sectarianism and Partiality - James 2:1, 9 - Gary Fox

April 07, 2019 10:30 - 35 minutes - 48.6 MB

Finding identity in tribes, races or genders is out of harmony with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God's people are chosen by God, are transferred out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of our identity is in HIM! We are no longer citizens of this world, we are a new people! The Apostle James commands us to "show no partiality". This week Gary Fox unpacks the implications of this charge and shows how worldly tribalism, racism and sectarianism truly is. "There Is A King"...

Can A Christian Lose Salvation? / Ephesians 2:8-9 / Gary Fox

March 31, 2019 10:30 - 58 minutes - 80.9 MB

Whenever there are 5 Sundays in a month we like to take a break from our regular study and introduce bonus content that we pray will be encouraging to you! For this 5th Sunday Bonus we go all the way back to Feb 11, 2007 when Gary Fox preached at his first church plant, Southside Christian Fellowship (just outside of Akron, OH). The topic is one as old as the Christian faith itself and that is addressing the question, "Can a Christian lose salvation?" We hope this message will be an enco...

When Religion Is Worthless / James 1:26-27 / Gary Fox

March 24, 2019 10:30 - 35 minutes - 48.3 MB

Not every religious person has been saved, that is abundantly clear from teaching of the Bible in general and from the writing of the Apostle James in particular. The whole first chapter of the Epistle of James hammers this point repeatedly and the it ends with two more verses which drives the point home. Join us this week as Gary Fox shares the heart condition behind worthless religion and religion that is pure before God the Father! ***Music by Zach Loomis, used with permission, all ri...

Be Doers / James 1:22-25 / Gary Fox

March 17, 2019 10:30 - 36 minutes - 49.7 MB

Christianity is an action "religion"! There is no such thing as an unchanged Christian, or a Christian who does not care to get up, take up a cross and follow Jesus. Those who think they can sit on the sidelines and simply be aware of the Gospel without taking steps as a result of it are totally deceived. This week Gary Fox details what the Apostle James has to say about "easy believism", or the idea that Christianity is nothing more than the acknowledgment of certain orthodox tenants. Rea...

The Anger of Man / James 1:19-21 / Gary Fox

March 10, 2019 11:30 - 35 minutes - 49 MB

Are you growing in grace or do you feel as though you are not spiritually maturing like you should? What is causing that stunting effect in your life? You do not want to miss this edition of New Testament Chronology. This week Gary Fox unpacks a powerful teaching from the Apostle James who drills down in the deep, heart-level issues that will prevent us from “receiving with meekness” the Word of God which has already been implanted in us. ***Music by Zach Loomis, used with permission, al...

Every Good and Perfect Gift / James 1:16-18 / Gary Fox

March 03, 2019 11:30 - 37 minutes - 51.5 MB

It would be impossible to sit down and list out our blessings, to "name them one by one". Each and every perfect thing, and all the good things as well, all come for the hand of God. And yet how little praise does He actually receive? Our constant ingratitude provides ample evidence that we are fallen and need to be changed. This week Gary Fox unpacks this encouraging reminder from the Apostle James, that every good and perfect gift is from our Heavenly Father, and since He is intentional ...

The Source of Desire / James 1:13-15 / Gary Fox

February 24, 2019 11:30 - 34 minutes - 47.9 MB

Far too often we like to justify ourselves and our sin by saying things like "God made me like this". The Apostle James lays into that way of thinking and in no uncertain terms commands that we stop saying things like that. Our sinful desires are internal, not external. They spring forth from our hearts, they are not downloaded into us by God. Join us this week as Gary Fox points out the careful distinction the Apostle James makes between "desire" and "sin"...they are not one in the same. ...

Living The Blessed Life / James 1:12 / Gary Fox

February 17, 2019 11:30 - 35 minutes - 48.4 MB

What does it mean to be "blessed"? We hear an awful lot about "being blessed", there's even a social media hashtag that says #blessed which is supposed to let everyone know how good things are. But what does it actually mean? What if times are hard, are we no longer "blessed"? Join us this week as Gary Fox smashes into this false way of thinking about what being "blessed" is and is not. Make sure you share the link to this important message, the misunderstanding which is so prevalent in Am...

An Eternal Frame of Reference / James 1:9-11 / Gary Fox

February 10, 2019 11:00 - 31 minutes - 43.2 MB

We live in a culture consumed with the "here and now", with a hyper focus on comparing our lives with others. This of course leads to depression in some and arrogance in others. The Apostle James instructs us to be intentional in looking past the immediate and to always keep an eternal prospective in mind. Music by Zach Loomis

When You Lack Wisdom / James 1:5-8 / Gary Fox

January 26, 2019 22:29 - 39 minutes - 54.4 MB

Christians have access to supernatural insight described in the Epistle of James as "wisdom", and yet so often we needlessly grope around like blind people in the dark. Join us this week as Gary Fox explains how we plug into the wisdom so desperately needed as we navigate through life! Music by Zach Loomis, All Rights Reserved

The Purpose of Trials / James 1:2-4 / Gary Fox

January 23, 2019 20:24 - 39 minutes - 54.8 MB

The Apostle James both encourages and commands us to "Count it all joy..." when we suffer in the midst of the various trials we face in life. Why would he say that? What does that mean and what's the point of it all? This week Gary Fox shares from James 1:2-4 and explains how God has a glorious plan for our lives, a plan which will take us through seasons of trial. Music by Zach Loomis, All Rights Reserved

Intro To James / James 1:1 / Gary Fox

January 09, 2019 21:09 - 45 minutes - 63.1 MB

Did you know James was the first book written in the New Testament? Join us as Gary Fox dives into an introduction to this amazing epistle written by the little brother of the Lord Jesus Christ! Music by Zach Loomis, All Rights Reserved