One of André's recommended pieces to listen to is InSitu•2019. Listen to it here.

The second choice of André's is Zwischen den Wolken which can be heard on Apple Music here

Check out some of André's other music at Soundcloud. 

Read a review of Zwischen Den Wolken from MusicWorks Magazine here.

Read a short article on André's Conversations2019 project in Barachois NB here.

During the podcast André speaks of 3 compersers who were important to him: 

Christopher Butterfield. His Soundcloud page is here

James Tenny

Antoine Beuger

André speaks a lot about the Wandelweiser school of music making

La Rouère is the chocolate shop André runs with his partner Robin Streb!

This is the fourth and final NMNM episode sponsored by the Canadian Music Centre. Many thanks to the CMC for their support of this podcast!

Thanks to Arts Nova Scotia for their support of NMNM over the past 2 seasons, and next season as well!