New Moon Galactic Astrology Reading November 2023. The New Moon Scorpio 2023 at 20 degrees on November 13 at 4.27 pm ET is a transformational one. The ruler of the moon Pluto is opposite Canis Minor-Procyon and Venus is conjunct Super Galactic Center. Join Ulrika for this intuitive reading of three energetic themes related to the new moon from a galactic perspective. #galacticastrology #newmoon #astrology #scorpionewmoon #multidimensional #starseed #lyranstarseed #procyon


0:00 Introduction - Pluto future energy - Mars past energy, Galactic downloads from Uranus
4:40 Fomalhaut and Regulus square New Moon - pristine divine angelic protection
6:33 Pluto and Canis Minor-Procyon, Andromeda Galaxy M31 and Alpha Centauri
7:51 Mars and Beta Centauri and Lyra Ring Nebula M57
9:33 Centaurus constellation
10:00 THEME 1: PAST FEAR vs. FUTURE LOVE - Soul memories from Lyra Ring Nebula M57. Are you choosing love or fear, taking a stand from compassion, a new phase.
10:48 Lyra Ring Nebula M57
14:02 THEME 2: CREATIVE HIGHER HEART ACTIVATION - Mercury and Hyades-Hyadum I, creativity-based communication, Venus and Super Galactic Center, divine feminine download activating the higher heart.
16:44 Hyades star cluster
17:11 THEME 3: PHOENIX RISING FLYING HIGH - Canis-Minor Procyon humanitarian evolution. Three minor grand trines. Scorpio higher expression, take flight! Multidimensional energy influx. Growing pains.
22:35 Summary
24:47 Questions for you to work with: Taking action based on compassion and love? How can you speak from the higher heart? What is your path of evolution.
27:11 What are your galactic alignments?

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“Ulrika has an incredible natural gift and ability to meet the client exactly where they're at in their Souls Journey. Providing a detailed map of information which allows the client to access their own soul memory to unfold. I feel so blessed to have worked with Ulrika and my reading already has changed my life days after. I can only highly recommend working with Ulrika.”
-Anja S.

Ulrika is a certified Quantum Soul Guidance Galactic Astrology Practitioner by Julia Balaz. Take a course with Julia here:

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