Topics: Pornography, Emotional Abuse, Finances, Boundaries, Adult Children, Estrangement, Transgender Hosts: Dr. Alice Benton, Chris Williams, Larry Sonnenburg Caller Questions: I resorted to porn during an abusive marriage because I felt trapped; how do I recover?  How do I set financial boundaries with my husband who had a very abusive upbringing?  I want to have a relationship with my daughter, but her husband

The post New Life Live: November 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: PornographyEmotional AbuseFinancesBoundariesAdult ChildrenEstrangementTransgender
Hosts: Dr. Alice Benton, Chris Williams, Larry Sonnenburg

Caller Questions:

I resorted to porn during an abusive marriage because I felt trapped; how do I recover? How do I set financial boundaries with my husband who had a very abusive upbringing? I want to have a relationship with my daughter, but her husband discourages it; what can I do? I disagree with Alice when she said it isn’t disrespectful to God to call a daughter a “he.” 

Suggested Resources:
Every Man’s Battle
Take Your Life Back
Healing Is a Choice

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The post New Life Live: November 27, 2020 appeared first on New Life.