Topics: Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Drug Addiction, Grief, Divorce Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: How can I venture outside without fear of panic attacks and high blood pressure?  Thank you for stopping my obsession with the news! My church started calling me daily to check in and pray.  How do I help my anxious 19yo son who got into drugs after

The post New Life Live: November 24, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AnxietyAgoraphobiaDrug AddictionGriefDivorce
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions:

How can I venture outside without fear of panic attacks and high blood pressure? Thank you for stopping my obsession with the news! My church started calling me daily to check in and pray. How do I help my anxious 19yo son who got into drugs after his father died and now is in prison? After 16yrs apart, my ex-husband would like to live together as roommates; is that a good idea? 

Suggested Resources:
Conquer Worry and Anxiety
Every Man’s Bible
Life Recovery Workbook for Grief
Understanding and Loving a Person with Alcohol or Drug Addiction

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Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE! podcast via iTunes or download the New Life Ministries App.

The post New Life Live: November 24, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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