Topics: Affairs, Divorce, Avoider, Pornography, Addictions, Alcohol, Grief, Sexual Integrity Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer, Chris Williams Caller Questions: My common law wife moved on with a different guy. Is divorce scriptural, and how do I help our kids?  How much more can I take from my emotionally detached husband who is addicted to porn and women?  Is there a way to get out

The post New Life Live: May 21, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AffairsDivorceAvoiderPornographyAddictionsAlcoholGriefSexual Integrity

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

My common law wife moved on with a different guy. Is divorce scriptural, and how do I help our kids? 
How much more can I take from my emotionally detached husband who is addicted to porn and women? 
Is there a way to get out of my pornography addiction after so long? 
My alcoholic dad died 3yrs ago; how long before the grief goes away? 
I was sexually betrayed by my husband; is there anything I can do to push him to go to Every Man’s Battle? 

Suggested Resources:

Every Man’s Bible

Intimate Deception

Every Man’s Battle

Life Recovery Bible

Life Recovery Workbook for Grief

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The post New Life Live: May 21, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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