Topics: Judgment, Compromise, In-laws, Boundaries, Christian Walk, Sex Offenders Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron Caller Questions & More: Dr. Alice Benton shares about Attribution Bias (when we judge others by their actions and judge ourselves by our intentions).  My spouse wants to spend more time in the south for the winter, but I don't; do you have any suggestions? 

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Topics: JudgmentCompromiseIn-lawsBoundariesChristian WalkSex Offenders

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions & More:

Dr. Alice Benton shares about Attribution Bias (when we judge others by their actions and judge ourselves by our intentions). 
My spouse wants to spend more time in the south for the winter, but I don’t; do you have any suggestions? 
What are some ways for me to have a cordial relationship with my in-laws while setting clear boundaries? My in-laws ask me intrusive questions. 
I want to tithe but my husband disagrees; should I tithe or honor my husband? 
I have a family member in jail for pedophilia; is there hope for pedophiles? 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love (how to do the comfort circle exercise)


Every Woman’s Bible

100 Days of Peace

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The post New Life Live: May 13, 2024 appeared first on New Life.