Topics: Pornography, Bipolar, Drug Addiction, Counseling, Christian Walk Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Becky Brown, Milan Yerkovich Caller Questions: Do I leave my unbelieving husband who refuses to stop watching hardcore porn? We went to a secular counselor, and he told me to watch porn with my husband.  What should I do about my bipolar adult daughter with a meth addiction? She was in

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Topics: PornographyBipolarDrug AddictionCounselingChristian Walk

Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Becky Brown, Milan Yerkovich

Caller Questions:

Do I leave my unbelieving husband who refuses to stop watching hardcore porn? We went to a secular counselor, and he told me to watch porn with my husband. 
What should I do about my bipolar adult daughter with a meth addiction? She was in a gun fight at home and doesn’t see she’s putting her kids in danger. 
As a counselor at a previous church, how do I start a counseling ministry in my new church? 
I used to delve into tarot cards and fortune telling. Can a person be Christian and still struggle with spiritual warfare? 

Suggested Resources:

Understanding and Loving a Person with Sexual Addiction

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

12 Steps to Launch and Run a Recovery Program CD

Life Recovery Bible

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The post New Life Live: May 13, 2022 appeared first on New Life.

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