Topics: Dr Dave Stoop Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Henry Cloud, Milan Yerkovich Today we honor Dr. Dave Stoop, our good friend and beloved co-host who passed away March 10, 2021 Caller Memories: Every time I interacted with Dave, I always felt like I was heard.  He was instrumental to me on my counseling journey.  Dave's son Mike shared favorite

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Topics: Dr Dave Stoop
Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Henry CloudMilan Yerkovich

Today we honor Dr. Dave Stoop, our good friend and beloved co-host who passed away March 10, 2021

Caller Memories:

Every time I interacted with Dave, I always felt like I was heard. He was instrumental to me on my counseling journey. Dave’s son Mike shared favorite memories of the Stoop family weekly breakfast and traveling to Ireland. He brought a whole new dimension to how I thought about my life. His steady voice and calm manner encouraged us to rejoice through those hard times. He was a father figure. 

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The post New Life Live: March 15, 2021 appeared first on New Life.

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