Topics: Compassion, Adult Children, Connection, Depression, Anxiety, Blended Families, Boundaries, Estrangement Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Chris Williams Caller Questions & More: Chris Williams describes what a benevolent witness is and compares it to hosting.  My 28yo son wants to lie about his address to get a job; how can I connect with him so he won't pull back when I give him

The post New Life Live: June 20, 2024 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: CompassionAdult ChildrenConnectionDepressionAnxietyBlended FamiliesBoundariesEstrangement

Hosts: Becky Brown, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris, Chris Williams

Caller Questions & More:

Chris Williams describes what a benevolent witness is and compares it to hosting. 
My 28yo son wants to lie about his address to get a job; how can I connect with him so he won’t pull back when I give him advice? 
I have depression and my 52yo daughter with MS lives with us; she has memory loss and isn’t taking care of herself. I don’t know what to do. 
What kind of boundaries should my husband put in place if he works with his son, but his son refuses to let us see the grandchildren? 

Suggested Resources:

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

Changes That Heal

Healing Is a Choice

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The post New Life Live: June 20, 2024 appeared first on New Life.