Topics: Childhood Trauma, Parenting, Weight Issues, Narcissists, Pornography, Betrayal Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown, Chris Williams Caller Questions: How can I help my new wife get rid of her past hurts?  After my call last month, I was able to connect with my teen daughters. Thank you for sending How We Love!  Should I talk to my married 49yo daughter about her

The post New Life Live: July 6, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Childhood TraumaParentingWeight IssuesNarcissistsPornographyBetrayal

Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

How can I help my new wife get rid of her past hurts? 
After my call last month, I was able to connect with my teen daughters. Thank you for sending How We Love! 
Should I talk to my married 49yo daughter about her anorexia? It’s worse during the pandemic. 
I read your book about understanding narcissism; should I ask my narcissist husband to read it? 
Is my husband’s porn addiction considered cheating? How do I heal? 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love

Life Recovery Workbook for Eating Disorders

Understanding and Loving a Person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Worthy of Her Trust

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The post New Life Live: July 6, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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