Topics: Affairs, Weight Issues, Anger, Addictions, Adoption Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown, Chris Williams Caller Questions: How do I move on after finding out my husband had an affair with my former friend?  I want to have a healthy relationship with the mother of my 7yo son, but she won't work on herself.  Is it normal for my husband to rage

The post New Life Live: July 16, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: AffairsWeight IssuesAngerAddictionsAdoption

Hosts: Milan Yerkovich, Becky Brown, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

How do I move on after finding out my husband had an affair with my former friend? 
I want to have a healthy relationship with the mother of my 7yo son, but she won’t work on herself. 
Is it normal for my husband to rage after 27yrs of marriage? 
I have a hard time letting go of my exercise addiction; why is that? 
Should I keep pursuing a relationship with my 17yo son I put up for adoption? 

Suggested Resources:

Worthy of Her Trust


Take Your Life Back

How We Love

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The post New Life Live: July 16, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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