Topics: Shame, Guilt, Adult Children, Sexual Integrity, Medication, Spiritual Warfare, Autism, Brain Issues Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris Caller Questions & More: Dr. Alice Benton shares some shame and guilt ideas.  My 42yo daughter is living on the property she's renting from us, and a man is staying with her most of the time. Do we have a right

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Topics: ShameGuiltAdult ChildrenSexual IntegrityMedicationSpiritual WarfareAutism, Brain Issues

Hosts: Chris Williams, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris

Caller Questions & More:

Dr. Alice Benton shares some shame and guilt ideas. 
My 42yo daughter is living on the property she’s renting from us, and a man is staying with her most of the time. Do we have a right to say he can’t live with her? 
I was on painkillers for sciatica and stopped taking them but have gone through an overwhelmingly dark withdrawal; what can I do, or who do I need to see?
What can I do to help my 29yo autistic son who works hard and owns his own home, but he gives money to his girlfriend with two kids? 
Why am I going through so much physically? I had a brain injury in the fall last year, and it seems like God keeps letting me go through things. 

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The post New Life Live: July 10, 2024 appeared first on New Life.