Topics: Adult Children, Living Together, Anger, Physical Abuse, Forgiveness, Christian Walk, In-laws, Avoiders Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Milan Yerkovich, Chris Williams Caller Questions: My 19yo daughter moved in with a boyfriend; should I encourage them to marry?  How can I help my 35yo son with his rages?  My dad abused me and I abused my own kids; how can I get my daughter to forgive me? 

The post New Life Live: January 9, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Adult ChildrenLiving TogetherAngerPhysical AbuseForgivenessChristian WalkIn-lawsAvoiders

Hosts: Steve ArterburnMilan Yerkovich, Chris Williams

Caller Questions:

My 19yo daughter moved in with a boyfriend; should I encourage them to marry? 
How can I help my 35yo son with his rages? 
My dad abused me and I abused my own kids; how can I get my daughter to forgive me? 
How do I connect with a non-Christian family who feel like I’m judging them? 
My daughter-in-law doesn’t connect with the family; how can I make her more comfortable? 

Suggested Resources:

Healing Is a Choice

Every Young Man’s Battle

Life Recovery Workbook for Grief

Take Your Life Back

Spiritual Renewal Bible

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The post New Life Live: January 9, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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