Topics: Intimacy, Grief, Physical Abuse, Depression, Divorce, Boundaries, In-laws Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Sheri Keffer Caller Questions: Is it necessary to grieve the loss of a sex life because of my husband's intimacy problem?  Should I divorce my husband who turned abusive after my cancer diagnosis?  What action can I take for my depression?  Is it OK to continue having sex with my husband

The post New Life Live: January 30, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: IntimacyGriefPhysical AbuseDepressionDivorceBoundariesIn-laws

Hosts: Steve ArterburnDr. Sheri Keffer

Caller Questions:

Is it necessary to grieve the loss of a sex life because of my husband’s intimacy problem? 
Should I divorce my husband who turned abusive after my cancer diagnosis? 
What action can I take for my depression? 
Is it OK to continue having sex with my husband while we are going through a divorce? 
What would healthy boundaries look like between my husband and his mother? 

Suggested Resources:

Intimate Deception

Mediterranean Love Plan

Life Recovery Bible

Life Recovery Workbook


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The post New Life Live: January 30, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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