Topics: Church Life, Dating, Addictions, Blended Families, Anger, Drugs, Adult Children Hosts: Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown Caller Questions: Is it OK for my husband and I to attend different churches?  I grew up with addict parents and now I keep dating addicts; how do I break the cycle?  My 31yo son is in detox this week but doesn't want family

The post New Life Live: January 23, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

Topics: Church LifeDatingAddictionsBlended FamiliesAngerDrugsAdult Children

Hosts: Dr. Dave StoopDr. Jill Hubbard, Becky Brown

Caller Questions:

Is it OK for my husband and I to attend different churches? 
I grew up with addict parents and now I keep dating addicts; how do I break the cycle? 
My 31yo son is in detox this week but doesn’t want family members to know; should I do that? 
How should we handle gift giving at Christmas with my blended family? 
My husband blows up over nothing and needs help. 
Our 35yo daughter lives at home and is ruining our marriage; what can we do? 

Suggested Resources:

How We Love

Understanding and Loving a Person with Alcohol or Drug Addiction


Take Your Life Back

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The post New Life Live: January 23, 2020 appeared first on New Life.

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